• Prevention
  • Spas
  • Spas and health resorts
  • Clinics
    • On average, the human body consists of 67% water. It is therefore not surprising that water also plays a decisive role in terms of health.

      The beneficial warmth of moor, fango and mud was discovered early on. Mud baths were documented as a natural remedy as early as the 14th century.

      The climate has long had a major influence on well-being. Those seeking relaxation are most likely to find it in an environment with a balanced temperature and constant humidity.

      Kneipp cures are probably among the best-known water treatments. However, Kneipp therapy also includes nutrition, herbs, exercise and inner balance in addition to the water pillar.
  • Your way to a cure

October 17, 2024

Bädertag 2024: Spas and health resorts in the state satisfied with the first half of 2024

Bad Dürrheim
  • Positive developments in nature-related activities, day visits, clinics and motorhome pitches
  • Persistent shortage of skilled workers and labor
  • Cautiously optimistic assessment of medium-term development

    STUTTGART. The economic importance of tourism in the recreational and health destinations of Baden-Württemberg was a focal point of the Spa Day 2024, to which the Baden-Württemberg Spas Association invited guests to Bad Dürrheim on October 17. The talks and discussions focused on how the first half of 2024 went for the industry and the prospects for the near future. The former is rated as satisfactory overall. In the latest industry report, 97% of participating association members rated the booking situation in the first six months as good or at least satisfactory. Current challenges such as labour shortages, high energy costs and bureaucracy were also discussed with the State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, Dr. Patrick Rapp MdL, at the Bädertag. The spas and health resorts would also like support from politicians to help them overcome these challenges.

    Satisfactory overall - this is how the situation in spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg can be summarized. In many segments, such as nature-related activities, day visits, clinics and motorhome pitches, occupancy rates from an industry perspective are significantly higher than in 2019, i.e. the situation before coronavirus. However, the fact that the 2024 Baths Day in Bad Dürrheim was not all sunshine and roses was due to the numerous challenges that slightly cloud the view of the future.

    Industry prepares for new trends

    For example, the industry representatives who took part in the member survey reported weaker occupancy rates, particularly among accommodation providers such as hotels and vacation apartments. One reason for this: Visitor behavior has changed. “We spas and health resorts stand for high quality and health. We are continuously developing our offers to meet our guests' desire for individuality, service and special experiences - the impressive range of offers is also impressive in terms of price, although guests have also become more price-sensitive,” emphasized Jonathan Berggötz, Mayor of the host town of Bad Dürrheim, during a panel discussion at the Bädertag.

    From an industry perspective, a trend towards a shortening of the length of stay has also been observed for several years. Against this backdrop, the majority of HCCs have already begun to address these changes with various measures, for example by improving their range of services, expanding their general offering or introducing new technologies. This is also shown by the analysis of the current industry report. Across the industry, nature-based offers and day tourism are also considered to be the defining trends of the coming years. “In the future, the recreational and health-oriented core competencies of the HuK will be in even greater demand from guests,” predicted Fritz Link, President of the Heilbäderverband.

    More than two thirds of all participants in the industry study stated that they are already preparing for these developments by placing a stronger focus on areas such as nature experiences, recreation and health promotion in their offers. Group offers for day guests and digital solutions are also increasingly finding their way into the new and further development of concepts. “Social trends such as individualization, sustainability, self-optimization and work-life balance naturally have an impact on health tourism. We want to align our offers more closely with these trends in order to be even closer to customer needs,” emphasized Markus Spettel, Managing Director of Kur- und Bäder GmbH Bad Dürrheim, in the panel discussion.

    The industry would also like to see further supporting measures, as the member survey on which the industry report is based also made clear. There is a particularly great need for monetary factors and the reduction of regulations and bureaucracy. “We know that spas and health resorts are facing major challenges. This makes the current figures, which indicate a positive development, all the more pleasing. This shows me that we are on the right track with the support of Heilbäder und Kurorte Marketing GmbH at state level,” said Dr. Patrick Rapp, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism. After all, the industry makes a significant contribution to the economic success of the No. 1 spa state. “It is therefore in the interests of the state government to create a basis for securing the future and to promote the development of market- and customer-oriented offers,” added Rapp. The recruitment of skilled workers - both nationally and internationally - is also high on the political agenda.

    More intensive customer approach

    Due to the generally tight financial situation in society as a whole, around a third of all SMEs are not planning to make any major investments in the next twelve months. However, if expenditure is made, the focus will be on structural expansions such as energy-efficient renovations, the development of new products or measures to better address customers. Among other things, this is intended to counteract the increase in cancellation rates observed by HuK. “We need to intensify communication with guests and be more proactive,” warned Link. The growing trend towards last-minute bookings is also making it more difficult to plan in the destinations. Bookings are increasingly being made less than a month before the stay. What's more, it is not uncommon for guests to book less than a week in advance.

    Up to eleven percent of vacancies are unfilled

    The areas of operating costs and staff recruitment and retention continue to pose particularly great challenges for the HR sector. “According to the industry report, an average of up to eleven percent of vacancies in the companies of the participating HuK are unfilled,” emphasizes Link. In addition to the medical-therapeutic sector, this also applies to jobs in the service, service, technology and skilled trades sectors. Link summarized the consequences of this development: “If we do not counteract this, there is a risk that the growing demand in some segments can no longer be met.”

    Besonders große Herausforderungen für die HuK stellen weiterhin die Bereiche Betriebskosten sowie Personalgewinnung und -bindung dar. „Dem Branchenbericht zufolge sind im Schnitt bis zu elf Prozent der Stellen in den Betrieben der teilnehmenden HuK unbesetzt“, betont Link. Dies betrifft neben dem medizinisch-therapeutischen Bereich auch Stellen in den Bereichen Dienstleistung, Service, Technik und Handwerk. Die Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung fasste Link zusammen: „Wenn wir dem nicht entgegenwirken, droht, dass in manchen Segmenten die wachsende Nachfrage nicht mehr bedient werden kann.“

    Even though various uncertainties and risks currently pose challenges for the HVAC sector, association members remain cautiously optimistic about developments over the next five years: 43% see them as rather positive, with a further 43% giving a neutral assessment - according to the industry report.


Spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg