• Prevention
  • Spas
  • Spas and health resorts
  • Clinics
    • On average, the human body consists of 67% water. It is therefore not surprising that water also plays a decisive role in terms of health.

      The beneficial warmth of moor, fango and mud was discovered early on. Mud baths were documented as a natural remedy as early as the 14th century.

      The climate has long had a major influence on well-being. Those seeking relaxation are most likely to find it in an environment with a balanced temperature and constant humidity.

      Kneipp cures are probably among the best-known water treatments. However, Kneipp therapy also includes nutrition, herbs, exercise and inner balance in addition to the water pillar.
  • Your way to a cure


Kneipp tips for the home

Active ingredient movement

Exercise not only has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, but also on the entire metabolism and the nerves. Exercise therefore prolongs life, prevents illnesses and can even cure them. Doctors are certain: exercise works like a well-dosed medicine. Why? Because the muscles are the largest metabolic organ and have a variety of positive effects on the body. However, as with any medicine, the dosage must be right: in the right amount, exercise keeps you healthy and protects against illness.
“To stay healthy,
people have
to move”
Sebastian Kneipp
At least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week is recommended for health-oriented activities.

1. Get to work in a sporty way
Ride your bike to work or to go shopping.

2. Get off one stop earlier
Get off one or more stops earlier and walk the rest of the way.

3. Active lunch break
Use your lunch break for a short walk in the fresh air.

4. Park the car further away
Park the car further away and walk the rest of the way.

5. Climb stairs
Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator.

Relaxation through exercise – go through everyday life calmly

Finding your inner center and going through everyday life calmly. That's what we all want at the moment. But how can that work when everything on the outside is focused on fear, avoiding illness and crisis?

It has been proven that a wide variety of internal and external stressors can weaken the immune system. This also happens now if we are not careful with ourselves, because the body automatically goes into what is known as "fight-or-flight mode". This stress reaction is completely natural and the response to dangerous situations. The body switches to a kind of "boost mode". Adrenaline is suddenly released, the heart rate increases, the muscles are activated, the breathing rate increases. All of this serves to be able to deal with the dangerous situation. So far, so good. But if the body's natural functions become unbalanced and the state of the stress reaction lasts for a long time, this leads to the immune system or our psyche suffering, for example, and other functional disorders can occur: nervousness, feelings of anxiety, headaches, depressive moods, digestive problems, sleep disorders or lack of energy. It is therefore important to bring the disturbed inner order back into balance in order to go through everyday life more calmly. But what exactly can we do about it?

“To stay
healthy, people
have to move”
Sebastian Kneipp
Pastor Kneipp also has an answer to this. He recommended listening to your own body and always ensuring a balance between rest and activity.

1. Yoga? Yoga!
Yoga can provide balanced relaxation through various asanas. Just join a class and try it out. You'll quickly feel the effect.

2. Tai Chi
This sport, also known as internal martial arts, is ideal for achieving inner peace.

3. Pilates
Balance exercises can help to identify feelings of tension in the body. For example, performing a balance pose calms both the mind by focusing on the movement and the body.

4. Stretching exercises
Mental tension can also be transferred to muscle tension. Stretching exercises can also help to reduce our perception of stress through the reflective effects.

5. Breathing exercises
Simply concentrate on breathing in and out and follow your breath from your nose to your stomach and vice versa. Thoughts come and go, but are not judged. The focus is on breathing. With a little practice, you can find peace and the here and now.

6. Forest bathing
Forest bathing combines light exercise activities that appeal to all the senses. In combination with the conscious and mindful perception of the forest, this leads to the following positive side effect: two hours of forest bathing has been proven to increase the body's self-healing powers and strengthen the immune system.

7. Indian Balance
Move your body while your soul rests! Various mindfulness and perception exercises, regeneration and deep relaxation exercises and indigenous therapeutic gymnastics lead to a special kind of inner order.

Stay calm in everyday life with the right diet

Back in 2007, the World Health Organization stated that stress is the greatest health threat of the 21st century. But what does stress do to the body? It attacks the body's own reserves of vital substances and depletes them. If we do not manage to replenish these reserves, the body becomes unbalanced and is confronted with new challenges. The consequences can be sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, irritability, frequent infections, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure and much more. Today we know that a healthy gut is an important prerequisite for a good mood. Why? Firstly, there is a direct connection between the gut and the brain, the so-called gut-brain axis. Hormones are produced in the gut that have a direct influence on our mood. For example, the happiness hormone serotonin or the stress messenger adrenaline. The gut transmits around 90 percent of its "mood" to the brain, but the brain only transmits 10 percent to the gut. Consequently, we should treat our intestines with care. On the other hand, all important building, nutritional and functional substances are absorbed through the intestines, and it is the center of our immune system. It is therefore important that our intestines and the 100 trillion bacteria living there are well supplied with soul food, because: food can make you happy.

“The path to
health leads
through the kitchen,
not through
the pharmacy:”

Sebastian Kneipp

Kneipp's health theory focuses on a balanced, healthy and natural diet without any restrictions. This diet can help to positively influence the function of the intestines and thus our health and our mood.

1. Eat varied and diverse food, as colorful as possible

2. Vegetables and fruit in sufficient quantities, especially vegetables

3. Regional, seasonal and of good quality. Preferably organic

4. High-quality proteins, preferably plant-based, as well as valuable fats and oils as building materials for our body

5. Prepare all ingredients as gently as possible to preserve the nutrients

6. Use as little processed food as possible. We also talk about clean eating

7. Sugar and alcohol in moderation. The dose makes the poison

8. Pay as much attention to the composition of the food as to the "putting it together" at the table: enjoyment, joy, peace and time are just as much a part of a healthy meal

9. Sebastian Kneipp also recommends: Water, the best of all drinks

Water to naturally strengthen the immune system

Water and Kneipp are a perfect match. Kneipp fell ill with tuberculosis, which was an incurable disease at the time. However, he managed to heal himself by immersing himself in the Danube, as he had activated the body's own healing powers. He is therefore often referred to as the "water doctor" because he made the ancient art of healing socially acceptable again. Today, Kneipp's water treatments are so popular mainly because they are so easy to carry out.
How can water strengthen the immune system?
For example, by treading water, baths, pouring water and wraps or a cold shower in the morning. The latter is not for the faint-hearted, but it is very effective. The water applications can help to harden and stabilize the body's functions. The following happens, simply explained: The cold water stimulates the body, as the skin's blood vessels first contract and then expand again. This is accompanied by noticeable warming, as blood circulation and thus the entire metabolism are stimulated at the same time. This body response is also known as thermoregulation.
“There is healing
in water; it is
the simplest, cheapest
and – when
used correctly
– the safest remedy.”
Sebastian Kneipp
If carried out regularly, water applications can strengthen the entire organism and thus also the immune system. They can also help with metabolic disorders and stabilize the autonomic nervous system. The ingenious thing about this is that no matter which part of the body comes into contact with cold water, the stimulus affects the entire organism. Arm baths or arm and face douches can therefore have similar effects. But be careful: water applications with cold water are only suitable for healthy people who are in good general health, especially when taking a cold full-body shower. It is important to only expose the previously warm parts of the body to the stimulus.

1. Water treading at home: Place a bucket of water on the terrace (preferably knee-high) and tread in it for one minute every day in a stork-like manner. Small exercise with a big effect

2. In the morning, walk barefoot in the dew on the still cool meadow. Then wipe off the water and warm your feet by moving. Finally, put on dry, warm socks and enjoy the tingling feeling of well-being.

3. When hiking, put your tired feet in a stream or tread water in the stream. Then
    wipe your legs off the water and warm them up as described above

4. After the warm shower, take a cold shower. Slowly get your body used to it

Only regular water applications can enable a sustainable strengthening of the immune system.

If you want to know more about how water treading and showers are used according to Kneipp, the best place to find out is at one of the local Kneipp associations.

Water treading - the most well-known Kneipp treatment

Water treading is probably the best-known Kneipp treatment. Above all because it is so easy to implement. It is best done in one of the numerous water treading pools in the spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg or at home in a large bucket or tub or in the bathtub. In summer, on warm days, a shallow strip of bank or a stream in the open air is sufficient. If done regularly, water treading can prevent infections and toughen the body as well as have a balancing effect on the mood. Water treading is soothing and refreshing and can help to stimulate the circulation, promote blood flow, strengthen the veins and strengthen the immune system. Water treading can also have a calming effect on the body, mind and soul and, if used in the evening, promotes sleep.
“Get to know
the water properly,
and it will always
be a reliable
friend to you.”
Sebastian Kneipp
"Regular circulation cannot be achieved by any medication, no matter what it is called. Only water can provide such a masterpiece."
Sebastian Kneipp

Before treading water, your feet should always be warm. It is best to warm up by moving around.

When treading water in the so-called stork walk, always pull one leg completely out of the water and bend the tip of the foot slightly downwards

As soon as the cold stimulus becomes too strong, get out of the water

Then wipe off the water with your hands, put on warm socks and warm up your feet with small steps or foot exercises

Water treading should never be done directly before or after a meal. At least half an hour

If you are ill or have other health problems, you should consult your doctor before treading water

Only regular water applications can enable a sustainable strengthening of the immune system.

Eat smart - balanced natural nutrition

A balanced and natural diet is the key to a healthy life. Sebastian Kneipp already knew that. Because: you are what you eat. And almost more importantly, what your body makes of it. The goal is not to follow nutritional tables or to starve yourself. Rather, the focus is on eating consciously. And this is exactly where many people fall short: simply listen to yourself and feel what your body needs right now, what am I hungry for? When the sugar devil strikes, alarm bells should ring. Then something is out of balance.

“The path to
health leads
through the kitchen,
not through
the pharmacy.”

Sebastian Kneipp
But what does smart eating mean?
The best way to do this is to remember that each of our 100 trillion body cells needs both building and functional materials. So if we consume the right building and functional materials, the body can function optimally. If the building blocks are missing, the complex system can quickly become unbalanced. The building materials include proteins and fats, from which many components of the cells are made. The functional materials include water, which carries out a variety of functions. In addition, there are vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. These are all nutrients that the body cannot produce itself. So if we consume sufficient building and functional materials of good quality, the body can develop its potential optimally. Eating smart means consuming functional food components and not just fillers, which are nowadays mostly found in highly processed foods.
“Food is only beneficial and healthy if it is beneficial to human nature and is processed by it.” Sebastian Kneipp
Kneipp recommended eating plenty of vegetables and fruit, preferably raw, i.e. completely unprocessed, and moderate amounts of animal products. Where Kneipp is not quite right is the recommendation to eat little fat. The right fats do not make you fat, but contribute to a balanced body metabolism, and can even help you lose weight. The brain alone is made up of around 60 percent fat. But here too, not all fat is created equal. It is important to use high-quality vegetable fats and oils such as olive, safflower or rapeseed oil, and above all not to forget the omega-3 fatty acids, which are particularly found in native linseed oil or nuts and seeds. When it comes to bread or cereals, use whole grain products where the full potential of the grain is contained. Above all, they contain fiber, which is essential for intestinal health. Kneipp also recommended water as the best of all drinks, because water is the transport medium of choice for many substances in the body. Sebastian Kneipp did not prohibit anything - just exaggeration. Kneipp said:
“Order lies in measure. Any excess or any deficiency replaces health with illness.” Sebastian Kneipp

1. Versatile, varied and above all colourful food

2. Use as little processed, regional, seasonal foods of good quality as possible

3. Sufficient vegetables (at least 3 portions per day) and fruit (2 portions per day)

4. High-quality proteins, preferably plant-based, and valuable fats and oils

5. Mainly fresh, plant-based foods, moderate amounts of animal foods

6. Préparer soi-même ses repas le plus souvent possible

7. Use fresh herbs for seasoning

8. Avoid foods that have more than five ingredients

9. Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t have known

10. Use local superfoods such as blueberries, flaxseed or broccoli 

11. Eat consciously, enjoy and take your time. Your body will appreciate it.

Medicinal plants – from arnica to lemon verbena

Sebastian Kneipp was an enthusiastic user of medicinal plants for bath additives, tinctures, ointments, teas and much more. His favourite herb was arnica. It is particularly effective externally, for example for bruises, contusions, sprains, strains, sore muscles or vein problems. As the saying goes: there is a herb for every illness. And people have been taking advantage of this for centuries. Be it in medicine, cooking or personal care. Over 150 years ago, Kneipp attributed various effects to around 45 plants, which are now scientifically proven.
“You should use
these herbs to
prevent the disease,
not let it get worse.”
Sebastian Kneipp
Where once a stroll through the nearest monastery garden was enough, today health food stores or pharmacies are happy to help, but the Kneipp associations and the herb gardens in the Kneipp spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg also have a lot to offer. Guided herb walks or cooking courses in particular give an insight into the effects and preparation of herbs. A well-known classic tea is fennel, anise and caraway, for example. Or in winter you can prevent colds with linden or elderflower tea. Medicinal plants have a regulatory effect and can harmonize disorders in the organism and increase the body's defenses. In addition, plants contain a large variety of vital substances such as minerals, trace elements, secondary plant substances, bitter substances, essential oils and much more.
“With every step we take in nature, we continually encounter new plants that are extremely useful and healing for us.”
Sebastian Kneipp
  • have a calming effect: valerian, hops, lemon balm, lavender
  • are good for the skin: chamomile, bran, yarrow, oak bark, oat straw
  • help against flatulence: Kümmel, Anis, Fenchel
  • for the musculoskeletal system: hay flowers
  • against respiratory diseases: thyme, eucalyptus, conifers, camphor
  • stimulate circulation: rosemary, hawthorn


Source: www.kneippverband.de

Water – thirst quencher and elixir of life

Water is our most important food. Without water, people can only survive for about three days. Sebastian Kneipp was aware of this. He recommended water as a healthy solution not only for external use, but also for internal use. Water performs many vital functions. For example, it enables our metabolism by serving as a solvent and transport medium, and it also regulates our heat balance. Three quarters of the water in the body is inside the cells and only a quarter outside the cells. Blood is also made up of over 90 percent water. It is therefore important to consciously regulate the body's water balance, as nutrients can be supplied through the blood and waste products can be disposed of. Even the human brain is made up of up to 90 percent water.

People consume water through food and drink. On average, this is around 600 milliliters through food and around 1.5 liters through drinks. The German Nutrition Society recommends a pure water intake of 1.5 liters per day. Depending on physical activity, increased outside temperature (heat), illness or the composition of the food (rich in protein and salt), the daily amount of drink can increase to up to 3 liters or more.

In order to achieve the optimal function of water in the body, so-called unsaturated water, such as spring water, is particularly suitable. It has the ability to remove toxins and waste products, which is particularly relevant today due to the many environmental influences.

"Whoever understands
the effects of
water and knows
how to use it
in its extremely
varied ways has a
remedy that cannot be
surpassed by
any other remedy.
None is more varied
in its effects.
Sebastian Kneipp
“Regularity in eating and drinking promotes digestion immensely and is therefore highly recommended.” Sebastian Kneipp
  • Drinking water regularly, even without feeling thirsty, increases physical and mental performance
  • Drinks that contain few calories are ideal: spring or drinking water, herbal or fruit teas, fruit juices diluted with water
  • Pimp up your own water instead of buying expensive near-water drinks: water can be made more tasty with natural ingredients such as lemon, mint, ginger, cucumber, melon, lime and more. In a carafe, it not only looks chic, but is also guaranteed to be cheaper than near-water products
  • Less recommended are fruit juice drinks, lemonades, soft drinks, coffee and black tea, beer and wine.
  • And as always: Every person needs an individual supply of water

Life order – the key to a healthy life

Nowadays we are driven by a faster, higher, further mentality. The so-called "work-life balance" often falls by the wayside and the biological rhythm between performance and recovery, tension and relaxation, sleep and wakefulness is lost in many areas. We also often actively intervene and thereby reinforce the negative effects: be it through artificial light, wake-keeping or sleep and sedatives and devices (smartphone, television) or other influences that can have a detrimental effect over time and can manifest themselves in the form of dysfunctions in organs. An imbalance occurs in the autonomic nervous system, which unconsciously controls the body's functions (breathing, heart activity, gastrointestinal tract). This imbalance can cause complaints such as digestive problems, cardiac arrhythmias, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, depressive moods, reduced performance, muscle tension, headaches or circulatory problems, fatigue and many other so-called functional (stress-related) disorders.

Sebastian Kneipp was also able to identify an imbalance in everyday life in his time, which was still characterized by hard physical work. That is why he paid particular attention to it. Even then, it was about finding a balanced relationship between work and rest periods and a balance for all areas of life: the harmony of body, mind and soul. In order to avoid imbalance in the first place, Kneipp's way of life offers a variety of approaches to being in balance with yourself: be it topics such as "mental hygiene", chronohygiene (= time-organizing aspects) and the appropriate alternation of tension and relaxation, action and rest, day and night or the regulation of disturbed processes, stress control and reduction, stabilization and self-regulation, increasing general stress tolerance and increasing resilience. Many applications of Kneipp's five pillars, such as exercise, nutrition, water or medicinal herbs, contribute to the order of life and thus to the balance of body, mind and soul.

“Order lies in
measure, every
excess and every
too little replaces
health with illness.”
Sebastian Kneipp
“Live sensibly; and do not be wicked against your body by demanding more from it than it can deliver, or in other words: do not act unreasonably against yourself!”
Sebastian Kneipp
  • Pay attention to yourself and the structure of your everyday life and be aware of the possible effects this may have
  • Actively relax several times a day. Be it through short active breaks, a walk during your lunch break or a short meditation
  • Make sure you get enough sleep and develop appropriate sleep hygiene (sleep before midnight is usually healthier)
  • Make sure you get enough sleep and develop appropriate sleep hygiene (sleep before midnight is usually healthier)
  • Pay attention to your own biorhythm and follow your internal clock
  • Pay attention to your diet, because “you are what you eat”
  • Take care of yourself and look after your health, because: “Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing”!
  • Take part in courses offered by local Kneipp associations on mindfulness, relaxation and other aspects for more balance that are good for you (autogenic training, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, exercise, sauna, daily alternating showers, meditation, TaiChi and much more).
  • Maintain social contacts and, above all, practice conscious media hygiene (digital detox).

Prevent colds naturally with Kneipp

Now it's starting again: cold season. Coughs, colds and sore throats can force you to take a break. But how can we strengthen our defences and immune system so that it doesn't get that far? Kneipp has the answer here too: live the five pillars of his health philosophy and colds have little to no chance. A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of vitamins, micronutrients and fibre is important. A large part of the immune system is located in our intestines. There, the right nutrients can help the cells to function well, so that they are better equipped against invaders and the immune reaction gets going more quickly. Now in autumn, the selection of local fruit is getting smaller, but there are still plenty of apples and quinces. Also, have a look at the weekly market. There you will find seasonal vegetables such as pumpkin, mushrooms, cabbage, nuts, beetroot, lamb's lettuce and other delicacies. And very important: drink enough so that the germs floating around don't have a chance to take hold in the first place. Water with a hint of fresh ginger or herbal teas are particularly suitable, as the valuable essential oils of the herbs can unfold their effects when drunk.
"If you don't spend
something on
your health every
day, you will one
day have to sacrifice
a lot of time to illness."
Sebastian Kneipp
"Because the cold usually starts in the nose, it is necessary that the nose is properly hardened. I have often been asked what one should do to avoid getting a cold, and I always answered: If you forcefully suck a handful of fresh water into your nose when washing in the morning, so that even a few drops come out of your mouth, you will definitely have the best protection against the cold."
Sebastian Kneipp
Inner balance is also important in order to maintain the balance between tension and relaxation. If the body is out of balance, bacteria and viruses also have an easier time. Mindfulness exercises or progressive muscle relaxation can help to restore balance. Consciously put your smartphone aside and simply enjoy the evening with a good book and a warm blanket and be in the here and now. Healthy sleep in particular often suffers from the influence of the blue light from screens. It suppresses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. So implement a smartphone diet more often and allow your natural sleep and biorhythm to take over again. And don't forget: exercise is the best medicine, even if it gets dark earlier in the colder season and your inner laziness usually wins out over your running shoes: every step keeps you fit. Exercise is also possible at work. Good breaks are active breaks. Get out into the fresh air every day. This toughens you up and has similar effects to Kneipp water treading. It stimulates thermoregulation, which in turn strengthens the cardiovascular system and thus our immune system. And: the visible light has a mood-enhancing effect. So the winter blues don't stand a chance!
  • At least 10,000 steps a day. This keeps you fit and boosts your cardiovascular system and immune system
  • Make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet. Because: You are what you eat!
  • If you have cold symptoms, take a rising foot bath.
    Here's how it's done:
    - Use shortly before going to bed
    - Have a thermometer ready
    - Dip both legs in a bucket or foot bath with water at around 33 degrees Celsius. Now heat the water to 40 degrees within 15 - 20 minutes by adding water
    - Then dry your feet and go to bed
    - If you like, you can use a bath additive such as thyme or eucalyptus
    - IMPORTANT: The foot bath should not be used if you have vein problems. The same applies to people with heart problems or severe arterial circulatory problems.
  • Take care of yourself and your inner balance
  • Do something for your health every day. Your body will thank you!

Beat the winter blues with Kneipp

The days are getting shorter and with them the warming rays of sunshine. So it is no coincidence that when the leaves fall, many people's moods also drop. Tiredness and listlessness can set in. Viruses and other imponderables are also present, which are currently putting us under mental strain. Countering this means not burying your head in the sand, but actively beating the winter blues with Kneipp.

Sebastian Kneipp was particularly concerned with a holistic view of people. In addition to exercise, nutrition, medicinal herbs and water, the order of life is the most important pillar of his health philosophy. Because it is our thoughts that most often cause us problems. Marcus Aurelius already said in the 2nd century AD: "Over time, your soul takes on the color of your thoughts." So what can help to keep our mood from sinking?

“Prevention is
better than cure.”
Sebastian Kneipp


Outdoor activities and exercise, regardless of the weather, can lift your mood as they stimulate the release of endorphins and the happiness hormones dopamine in conjunction with serotonin and noradrenaline, thus boosting the feel-good mix. The visible light outside also helps to keep the sleep hormone melatonin in check and makes us feel more awake.

Cold stimuli & water applications

Kneipp recommends cold stimuli for many things. They strengthen the immune system and at the same time stimulate the entire organism, which can have a positive effect on your mood. Whether it is a cold shower, treading water or walking on snow when the first flakes of snow fall: the body is stimulated to put itself in a good mood mode.

"Nothing attacks the hardened, but every sheet of paper upsets the effeminate. A hardened body offers you greater protection against the illnesses of the soul."

Sebastian Kneipp


Mother Nature provides a lot of natural foods that can also be described as "mood food". These include all kinds of nuts and seeds, as well as bananas, pineapples, dates, figs and whole grain products. A good piece of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (over 80%), ginger or chili can also help to improve your mood. The main mineral for stress regulation, magnesium, should not be forgotten either. It is found primarily in green vegetables such as broccoli, fennel and kohlrabi.

Medicinal herbs

Many herbs have calming and relaxing effects. Lemon balm can dispel nervous restlessness, lavender can relieve tension, hops and passionflower have a calming effect. Valerian can also help if you can't fall asleep and your thoughts won't calm down. Other plants such as St. John's wort or chamomile can help calm the nerves and roseroot helps reduce the release of stress hormones. It is not without reason that the saying goes: There is a herb for every illness!

Life order

Life is better when you're in a good mood. The dark season brings with it many challenges. So we should make it as nice and cozy as possible. For example, putting flowers in the room, lighting a candle and cooking something good: This can help to improve your mood. It can also help to read a good book, drink a hot tea, have good conversations and just do nothing, relax and treat yourself to a break.

No half measures – healing warmth through a full bath

Kneipp's most important element for treatments is water. In Kneipp's health philosophy, baths are used alongside pouring water and compresses. The treatments range from warm arm and foot baths to sitz baths and full baths. Heat is not only good for you, it also heals and has a circulation-stimulating and antispasmodic effect. The Egyptians knew this 5,000 years ago. Hippocrates also described the effect of hot compresses and the Romans built the first thermal baths.

In Kneipp's natural healing theory, there are various baths and treatments: full bath, three-quarter bath, half bath, sitz bath, arm bath (up to the middle of the upper arm), foot bath (up to the middle of the lower leg) and many more. The difference lies in the fact that these have different stimuli on the body. The more the body is covered with water, the greater the stimulus. A distinction is also made between medicinal baths and relaxation baths.

“May everyone (…)
create a bathing
opportunity and
thereby a great
benefit for their
Sebastian Kneipp

Who doesn't like to go to one of the thermal baths and mineral baths in the spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg in the cold season and enjoy the soothing and relaxing warmth of the water. The buoyancy of the water gives us a certain feeling of lightness and the surrounding warmth a feeling of security. All baths have one thing in common: they have a beneficial effect on the body, mind and soul and are usually used more often than cold treatments because they are perceived as more pleasant. In addition, heat stimulates blood circulation, increases the transport of oxygen and thus nutrients. At the same time, waste products can be removed more quickly and, for example, muscle tension can be relieved.

The effect of a full bath can be varied by the temperature, the length of the bath and by bath additives. Bath oils are particularly recommended as bath additives for bathing at home. Their ingredients are absorbed through the skin as well as the respiratory tract and can have a positive effect on your mood.

  • Temperature: 36 – 38°C water temperature
  • Water level: up to the neck
  • Duration: max. 15-20 minutes
  • Bath additives: natural bath additives such as bath salts or bath oils as desired
  • The special Kneipp tip: end warm baths with a cold application, such as a pour or a cold shower.
  • Finally, always plan a rest period and lie covered and wrapped up warm in a quiet place for half an hour. This is the only way your body can benefit from the healing stimuli.



Do not use if

  • Leg vein diseases (varicose veins, thrombosis, congestion)
  • Heart failure
  • low blood pressure
  • Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, activated osteoarthritis)


Not all applications are suitable for everyone. If you have any questions, please consult your doctor or pharmacist beforehand.


Spas and health resorts in Baden-Württemberg